

I graduated from an elite school, UC Berkeley the #1 Public University in the world. Most people I meet are either surprised that I had a hard time looking for a job or the return is not as much as I invested, time and money. But, how can one determine whether or not a job is the best job in the world? I enjoy my job working very closely with domestic violence victims. It is an issue that I can relate to a lot, and definitely want to change. I love my job, but most people still see it as not-the-best job in the world. Who cares! I think its the best job, I enjoy it and I always look forward to working on the weekends, even when it means I can't go out and have fun with friends.

Anyway, I am writing to talk about the escort industry because it is not uncommon in my community. I would say, I've thought a lot about it... and I am glad I've never done it. I am not here to preach or anything. But, if you are considering the escort industry... please think twice about it, be sure it is something that you can do and want to do. I've been tempted to do it because some of my tgirls recommended it since I am not gainfully employed yet. But, I kindly declined. I know, its hard to say no to great money and flexible hours... easy money (earn $300/hour or less, x 4 clients/day is $1200/day, 4 days/week = $4800/week, $57600/year or more depending on clients -- just to give you an idea of how tempting it is) but thinking twice about it doesn't hurt. Think about your morals, is this something you can live with, make sure you are safe... As money goes, don't go spending it on shopping, drugs, etc. Spend it wisely, save up so you don't end up doing this for life. Pay for school, etc. Anyway, I am writing about this to talk about my personal experience. I've thought about doing it, but I am glad I didn't. I am glad I can say, I didn't do that. I didn't have to do that. I chose not to do that. I mean, there is nothing bad about it. It's just the stigma that people attach to the activity. It's the norm to ridicule such "promiscuity". I firmly believe that there is a transaction in both marriage and escort relationships. In a marriage, the women exchanges sex for something from men. It's the same thing in what is called "prostitution." The same activities, the same transaction. Agree or not, that is what I think.

Again, just because I don't see anything bad about the escort business... it doesn't mean I am promoting it. I kindly suggest thinking twice about it. For me, I feel great I chose not to do it, even if it was within reach. If you do decide to do it... please visit this website: http://www.tsroadmap.com/early/sexwork.html, for tips, etc.




  1. ouch! i am an escort and im proud of it but i only do it like twice or 3 times a month just in time to pay my bills.. @ first i did it for the heck of it and i actually like it and want it knowing somehow i provided companions to those lonely guys and yes i used the money wisely to pay my bills so that i can get out from this business..

  2. Oh no... I didn't mean for this to be offensive. It's a difficult job... it takes a lot of courage and strength, and I definitely admire you for it. Like I said, I don't see anything wrong with it. It's just not for me. I wrote about this simply to provide that link on how to be safe. :)

  3. oh ate im not offended at all and i see wat ur saying.. and yes a lot of girls are wasting their money on shopping and other nonless things but i use my money wisely!
